WIA Announces TIRAP Representative on New BDAC Working Group

ARLINGTON, Va. – Grant Seiffert, Executive Director of TIRAP and the Wireless Infrastructure Association’s (WIA) Vice President of Workforce Development, was appointed by the Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai to the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee’s (BDAC) new Broadband Infrastructure Deployment Job Skills and Training Opportunities working group.

“WIA is pleased that Grant has been appointed to this new working group. Chairman Pai understands the importance of having a voice for apprenticeships as the U.S. works to ensure a 5G-ready workforce,” said WIA President and CEO Jonathan Adelstein, who is a BDAC member and Vice-Chair of the Disaster Response and Recovery working group. “The new working group is an outstanding platform to discuss ways to expand apprenticeships in the wireless industry and to continue to equip the workforce with the necessary skills and training for 5G build-out.”

Additionally, last month Leticia Latino, President and Chief Executive Officer of WIA member Neptuno, and Rikin Thakker, a leader on WIA’s Innovation and Technology Council (ITC) and Vice President, Telecommunications and Spectrum Policy for the Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council, were appointed Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, to the Broadband Infrastructure Deployment Job Skills and Training Opportunities working group.

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