Jan 31, 2023 FCC Application Fee Increase Effective March 2, 2023 On December 16th 2022, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released Order FCC-22-94 to announce adjustments to certain FCC application fees. The following chart list the new fees that will impact most Land Mobile Radio Part 90 site-based application filers. The complete Order and additional fees can be viewed at FCC-22-94A1.pdf. The fee adjustment is tied to the increase in the Consumer Price Index. The effective date of the Order 22-94 is March 2, 2023. WIA will post the resulting effective date as soon as possible. If you have additional questions, please e-mail me at don.andrew@wia.org. Site-based license applicationsNew feeNew license, major modification$105Extension Requests$50Special temporary authority$150Assignment/transfer of control, initial call sign$50Assignment/transfer of control, each subsequent call sign, fee capped at 10 total call signs per application$35 Site-based license applications New fee Rule waivers associated with applications for assignment/transfer of control, per transaction, assessed on the lead application$425Rule waivers associated with applications for assignment/transfer of control, per transaction, assessed on the lead application$425Rule waiver not associated with an application for assignment/transfer of control$425Renewal$35Spectrum leasing$35Maritime, Aviation, Microwave, Land Mobile, and Rural RadioPlease refer to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Fee Filing Guide for Information on the payment of an associated regulatory fee. Frequency Coordination