Jun 17, 2022 LEGACY COMMISSION REGISTRATION SYSTEM WILL BE DECOMMISSIONED ON JULY 15, 2022 MD Docket No. 10-234 On July 15, 2022, the Office of Managing Director of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will decommission the Legacy Commission Registration System (CORES) (Legacy). Once Legacy CORES is retired, users will be unable to make any changes to their FCC Registration Number (FRN) or create new FRN’s, in the Legacy system. Users will need to register in CORES2 to gain online access and manage their FRN(s). An FRN is required for those doing business with the FCC. The FRN will identify the registrant’s business dealings with the FCC. Users already registered in CORES2 can continue without further actions. The CORES2 version, can be found at https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do. CORES2 allows users to (1) Create or modify FRNs; (2) Associate FRNs to different user accounts; (3) View FRN financial data; and (4) Make payments. Using CORES2 requires FRN registrants to set up an account with a unique username beforehand by providing a valid e-mail address and a password to associate with their existing or new FRN(s). The FRN registrant’s email address is then established as their username. Prior to July 15th it is recommended to Legacy CORES users that have not established a CORES2 username and password but have upcoming Commission business to establish an account in the FCC User Registration System: https://apps2.fcc.gov/fccUserReg/pages/createAccount.htm, then access CORES2 to associate their FRN(s) with their username. Payment and Related Transactions can be made at https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/paymentFrnLogin.do. Help with registering in CORES2 is available there as well. Users that need to pay annual regulatory fees, view Red Light status details, pay, or complete payments for all FCC fees will be required to use a username and password with an FRN associated with a username in CORES2 to authorize these transactions according to the following timetable: Payment TransactionDate Access Will Transition to CORES2Annual Regulatory FeesJuly 15, 2022Red Light Status DetailAugust 5, 2022Universal Licensing System PymentsAugust 26, 2022ULS Pay Fees Link utilized by Electronic Batch Filing filersAugust 26, 2022Application Fee PaymentNovember 18, 2022 There is additional support if needed. Visit the FCC Registration Help Pages at https://apps2.fcc.gov/fccUserReg/pages/createAccount.htm . You can also call the FCC Licensing Hotline, (877) 480-3201 Option 1, You can also visit the e-support page at Registration Help (fcc.gov). Frequency Coordination