Nov 16, 2021 U.S. Military partners with wireless industry for 5G test bed The Department of Defense is leading a $600 million effort to architect and deploy the largest 5G wireless initiative to test how the military can use 5G technology for its own purposes as well as a broader effort to lead the world in 5G. WIA Blog
Aug 12, 2020 Fixed Wireless Access Could Expand Beyond its Rural Roots Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) has traditionally been considered a solution for low-density rural connectivity, where deploying copper and fiber is often cost prohibitive. New spectrum availability and the advancement of Events, WIA Blog
Jul 15, 2020 How CBRS Could Enable Indoor Connectivity in a Post-Pandemic World CBRS is coming to market during an interesting social and economic time for the United States, as the COVID-19 pandemic has both shined a light on the need for connectivity Events, WIA Blog
Jul 8, 2020 CBRS Could Help Close Urban and Rural Coverage Gaps Commercial deployments of Citizens Broadband Radio System (CBRS) networks are ramping up, and the technology is set to get an additional boost this month when the Federal Communications Commission auctions Events, WIA Blog
Jun 4, 2020 COVID-19 Could Change Permitting Processes with Municipalities Working with municipalities on permitting and siting is an essential and sometimes complex part of building wireless networks for carriers and infrastructure providers. The relationship with municipalities is evolving as Events, WIA Blog
May 27, 2020 How 4 Infrastructure Companies are Addressing the 5G Skills Gap How to attract, educate and retain workers to fill a projected skills gap of up to 25,000 employees needed to build out 5G networks is a persistent topic in the Events, WIA Blog