WIA Commends South Carolina as 30th State to Pass Small Cell Legislation

“WIA commends South Carolina for becoming the 30th state to pass important small cell legislation (H-4262). The legislation modernizes and streamlines South Carolina’s rules for expedited small cell deployment and lays the groundwork needed for jobs, economic growth, telemedicine, and distance learning for South Carolinians,” said WIA President and CEO Jonathan Adelstein. “We are glad to support this balanced and bipartisan bill and urge Gov. Henry McMaster to sign the measure into law. WIA also recognizes the lead sponsors for propelling South Carolina and the nation one step closer to leading in 5G: House Majority Leader Gary Simrill, House Minority Leader Todd Rutherford, House Labor Commerce and Industry Chairman Bill Sandifer, Senator Mike Gambrell, Senate Labor Commerce and Industry Chairman Tom Alexander, and Senator Brad Hutto.”


Contact: Amy-Gabrielle Bartolac | Public Affairs Manager
703-621-0527 | Amy-Gabrielle.Bartolac@wia.org