WIA Petitions FCC for Reforms to Accelerate 5G Network Deployments

August 27, 2019

Today, the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) petitioned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to clarify its rules to facilitate broadband deployment by promoting collocations on existing wireless facilities. As part of its request, WIA has asked the FCC to rectify an unnecessary barrier to broadband deployment due to the divergent treatment of compound expansions around wireless facilities. 

These petitions are based on the FCC’s explicit authority under Section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act of 2012, which expressed Congress’ support for wireless collocation. FCC regulations apply to Section 6409(a) to both small cells and macro towers in order to efficiently deploy wireless broadband networks across the United States.

“Consumers and businesses rely on connectivity and will benefit from next-generation wireless networks. Action on these petitions will help expedite the siting process so that the U.S. can continue to lead the world in wireless innovation,” said David E. Weisman, Chairman of WIA’s Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of InSite Wireless Group. “Swift deployment of wireless infrastructure necessitates removing barriers to collocation, which is the quickest, most efficient way to deploy 5G. WIA is leading the way by asking the FCC to address unreasonable regulatory obstacles to the deployment of next-generation services.”

“Over the past year, WIA has prioritized clarification of key definitions to close loopholes that have hindered 5G deployments, as well, for modification of compound expansion rules to promote collocations and installations of critical public safety facilities,” said WIA President and CEO Jonathan Adelstein. “WIA appreciates that the FCC has worked diligently to clear the path to the deployment of small cells swiftly and efficiently across the country. We look forward to working with the FCC as it continues to strategically improve the wireless infrastructure siting process for macros, as well, so the U.S. can win the global race to 5G.”


Amy-Gabrielle Bartolac
Public Affairs Manager